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Catalogue of the valuable collection of coins and medals of the late Richard Sainthill, Esq., of Cork, author of \Olla Podrida,\ comprising Greek cities and kings, ... colonial proofs, Scotch coins, Anglo-American coins, ... papal medals, Sassanian, [and] Indian coins, [etc.] ... [04/27/1870]
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Catalogue of a very valuable collection of select, early and rare Greco-Italian, Sicilian, Cartho-Sicilian, Roman Consular and Imperial medals and medallions, in silver and brass, including also a few gold coins, the property of Jules Sambon, Esq., of Naples ... [05/23/1870]
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Catalogue of the valuable and interesting collection of early British, Anglo-Saxon, English, and Scotch coins, in silver and gold, formed by a gentleman declining the pursuit, [Fountaine Walker, Esq.] ... [05/30/1870]
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Catalogue of the collections of coins and medals, the property of the late Thomas Gardiner, Esq., and of the Rev. W. Cotton Risely, comprising aes grave, fine Greek and Roman coins, ... British, Gaulish, Saxon, Scotch & English coins, ... colonial gold and silver, [etc.] ... [07/07/1870]
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Catalogue of Greek coins, in gold, silver and bronze, from the collection of the late H.N. Davis, Esq., amongst the finest, most rare, and valuable specimens ... [01/26/1876]
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Catalogue of the extremely brilliant and valuable collection of English patterns and proofs, formed by John Marshall, Esq., of Belmont, comprising the rarest ... examples ... of the extensive coinage of the Royal House of Hanover alone, dating from George I, [also] ... Anglo-Indian and other colonial patterns ... [08/13/1875]
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Catalogue of a very choice collection of Greek coins, in excellent preservation, a large number of which are believed to be unique, or nearly so, also a small quantity of ancient jewellery, and some Greek glass, the property of Pericles Exereunetes, Esq., [pseudonym of C.L.W. Merlin] ... [03/16/1871]
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Catalogue of a valuable & miscellaneous collection of Greek, Roman, Saxon, English, Scotch and foreign coins, in gold, silver, and copper, ... [as well as a] relic of Sir W[alter] Scott, containing a portion of the poet's hair, some curious antique watches, [etc., variously belonging to] a gentleman lately deceased, and others ... [08/18/1871]
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Catalogue of the valuable and select cabinet of Greek & Roman coins, in gold and silver, Greek gold ornaments, superior philosophical instruments, numismatic and other books, the property of Sir Thomas Tobin, KT., F.S.A. of Ballincollig, County Cork ... [06/24/1871]
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Catalogue of a valuable collection of Greek, Roman, and English coins, in gold, silver and copper, the property of a gentleman relinquishing the pursuit, including ... a fine Syracuse medallion, [Offa's] penny and ...Ramage's pattern shilling, [etc.] ... [06/22/1871]
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