The Twenty-Second Annual Memphis International Paper Money Show and Mail Bid Only Auction #178
2 of 10
Orders, Decorations, Medals and Militaria
3 of 10
Coins, Tokens, Historical Medals and Paper Money
4 of 10
Coins, Historical Medals and Paper Money
5 of 10
The Miguel Munoz Collection
6 of 10
The December 6 & 7, 1991 Auction
7 of 10
Orders, Decorations, Medals and Militaria
8 of 10
The Ed Trompeter Collection, Part I
9 of 10
Numismatographia and catalogue of the entire and valuable medallick library of a late highly respected and eminent collector, [T. Dimsdale, Esq.], also an excellent collection of miscellaneous literature ... [06/18/1824]