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... [11/07-08/1979], Catalogue of ancient coins, in gold, silver and bronze, [including] a King of Macedon, Philip II stater, head of Apollo, rev. chariot, symbols below, [also] a lead weight, obv. triskeles, rev. six petalled star, found in Pamphylia, and [and] a Judea, first revolt, year 1, shekel (A.D. 66)
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Part 2 and The John Jay Pittman Collection
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Catalogue of English and foreign coins, in gold, silver, & copper, [including] ancient & medieval Indian coins, Islamic coins, and commemorative medals, ... [11/21-22/1979]
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Sale 80
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... [06/02/1994] and Ancient, English and world coins, and historical medals, [including] Greek, Roman, [and] Anglo-Saxon, [also containing] a good collection of English and world coins from a private source
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English, world, and ancient coins and tokens, [including] a small collection of Oddfellows jewels and related items and miscellaneous medals badges and tokens, a collection of Scottish and other Communion tokens, ... [03/02/1994]
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Catalogue of British orders, decorations & medals, including several medals for Africa General Service, 1900-1918, ... [10/31/1979], and a group of eight medals awarded to Capt. George Tagore Mair
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Catalogue of ancient, English and foreign coins, in gold, silver, and copper, [including] sets of Raphael miniatures, issued by Slade, Hampton & Son, Ltd., in 22 ct. gold and silver, an astronauts gold medal, 1964, and ... [07/11-12/1979]
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... [02/03/1993], [and] an Alfred the Great, penny, two-line type, Canterbury, and Ancient, English and world coins, [including] Bruttium, Lokri, silver stater, head of Zeus left, rev. eagle flying left, carrying hare in its talons, to right, thunderbolt
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a small collection of Islamic gold coins, ... [12/11/1991] and Greek, Roman, Byzantine, and Islamic coins, and English and foreign coins, [including] a Hadrian aureus, laureate head, drapery on shoulder, rev. wolf and twins
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