Catalogue of continental coins, mediaeval and modern, silver issues of France and Italy, the valuable and extensive collection formed by the late Right Hon. Lord Grantley, The Priory, Old Windsor, sold by order of the executors, (eighth portion) ... [10/25/1944]
1 of 10
Auction 19
2 of 10
Asta 107
3 of 10
Catalogue of military and naval medals and decorations, including a group of five medals and orders to Wm. G. Romaine, Esq., C.B., Deputy Judge Advocate General to the Army in the Crimea, [as well as] the Sultan of Zanzibar's medal for services in East Africa, and [etc.] ... [02/12/1945]
4 of 10
Auction 111
5 of 10
Catalogue of the famous collection of Portuguese, Brazillian, and Portuguese colonial coins, formed by the late A.R. Shore, Esq., of Lisbon ... [07/16-18/1945]
6 of 10
Catalogue of ancient and modern coins, including the collection of the late H.A.T. Packford, Esq., of Oxford, [as well as] the property of a lady, [containing] a gold medal for the Society for the Promotion of Arts and Commerce, instituted 1753, and ... [06/27/1946]
7 of 10
Archives International Auctions Sale 59
8 of 10
[as well as] a box containing a large quantity of medal ribbon, ... amounting to around 900 yards, a group of five medals to Dr. Helen Hanson, Aux. Hosp. Unit, Antwerp, 1914-18, [etc.] ... [12/19/1945], and Catalogue of military and naval medals and decorations, including a Silver Jubilee medal 1887
9 of 10
[as well as] the collection of the late F.G. Learoyd, Esq., Catalogue of ancient and modern coins, [including the contents of] a cabinet of a Scottish collector, and ... [05/21/1946]