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... [12/13/1945], duplicates from the collection of the late W. Waite Sanderson, Esq., C.B.E., [and] ... Major E. Daly Lewis, ... Richard E. Bull, Esq., and Catalogue of ancient and modern coins, [including] the properties of the late Colonel A.H. Fraser, [sold] by order of the executors
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Auction 33
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Auction R
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Archives International Auctions Sale 56
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Catalogue of ancient and modern coins, [including] the property of the late Charles Orrell, Esq., [and also containing] the famous De Longueville collection of Chinese copper coins, and [etc.] ... [10/08/1945]
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Auction 110
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the property of Miss S. Tremearne, Woodlands St. Agnes, Cornwall, ... [11/06/1945], the property of a[nother] collector, and Catalogue of ancient and modern coins, including the collection of English coins formed by the late P.C. Peek, Esq.
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Heritage U.S. Currency Auction
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Asta 109
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Catalogue of Byzantine gold, silver and copper coins, Roman gold, Roman republican and imperial copper, billon and copper of Alexandria, copper of Bactria and India, Celtiberian and Gaulish copper, Parthian silver, etc., ... [07/25/1944]
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