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Auction H
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Auction 13
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[and] a Coronation set of gold coins, Edward VII, 1902, [etc.] ... [01/28/1943] and Catalogue of Greek & Roman coins, talers, etc., the property of the late J.N.G. Wallworth, [containing] a Philip V of Spain Quadruple, 1721
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Auction 12
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Auction 14
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Catalogue of ancient and modern coins, a portion [being] for sale on behalf of Mrs. Winston Churchill's Aid to Russia fund, including a large gold medal presented in commemoration of the Coronation of Nicholas II as Czar and ... [05/19/1942]
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Catalogue of ancient and modern coins, and commemorative medals, including a silver medal of the Loyal Association, 1745, by T. Pingo ... [09/01/1943]
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and. V.B. Crowther-Beynon, Esq., Catalogue of coins, tokens, books & coin cabinets, the property of the late Sir Charles Oman, K.B.E., and ... [02/20/1947]
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Heritage World Paper Money
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Catalogue of military and naval medals and decorations, including an autographed letter from Florence Nightingale, dated June 18, 1856, from the General Hospital, Balaclava, respecting the accomodation, on the passage home from the Crimea, of some of her nurses ... [05/21/1947]
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