Postcard addressed to Miss Brad Reeader. 2409 Adams St. Plania, Ill. Dear Brad I hand wrote to you ...To me while I am there would love to hear from you. I think I will stay home for a couple of weeks rush you and Bob could come back for a couple of days and had a swell time in Canada. Tell your mother I said hello be sure and write me. J Blanche. Transcription from the manufacturer's text: Published by Toledo Post Card., Toledo, Ohio. W.B. Baker Toledo, Ohio. C.T. American Art Colored.
Addressed to Mrs Edith Sanban, East Wakefield, New Hampshire: R.F.[?] Bristol, Pa. Nov 13, 1928. Bath Read. Dear [?] I am a long ways [?] as you have probably eard. Before they had a wonderful trip, stood the journey find, but god-very tired. WE have only two days coming made good time. Nothing quite like a Ford for travelling. J.LO left for home last Wed. from [?] Bal [?] as for a month [?]
Postmarked: Mar 11, 1909 in Brush Valley, PA. Addressed to Mr. & Mrs. Noble Pretzel, Marion Center, Pa: Hello [?] How are you by this [?] we are all enjoying our [?] health. Papa & Mamma went over to Edd [?] today so that leaves (the cook & [?] allabone) When are you people coming out [?] as B. Your Coz, [?] Handwritten 4 in top-left corner.