Early Paper Money of America / Pennsylvania / 1767 June 15
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£20,000 in Bills approved by the May 20, 1767 Act after consideration of a further proposal by the merchants to issue privately £20,000 in £5 notes bearing 5% interest. Two separate nature prints from prior issues were printed on the back of each denomination. The denomination is cut into the nature prints after casting. The face has a cut of Penn Arms and states that the bills are indented but they are not. See August 1739 issue for spelling and type style variations. Printed by David Hall and William Sellers, successors to Franklin and Hall. Test bills are on blue paper. Signers were John Gibson, Isaac Greenleafe, Isaac Jones, J. Mease, John Nixon, Israel Pemberton, John Reynell, Samuel Rhoads, Jr., Joseph Richardson, Daniel Roberdeau, and Thomas Wharton.
£4 Plate letters A & B [1,000] ▷DT◁
£6 Plate letters A, B, C & D, PENSYLVANIA [2,000] ▷DT◁ Fine $5,750 Stack’s May, 2005