Early Paper Money of America / South Carolina / 1776 March 6 Resolve

User Collection Publique
13 Items
Last Updated: 2022-05-19

Early Paper Money of America (NNP Edition)|

£750,000 in Bills of Credit authorized by the Second Provincial Congress of South Carolina. Denominations of £3 and lower were printed by Peter Timothy in red and black from typeset forms with various ornaments including Hebrew and Greek letters. Denominations of 17s6d and below are 3 1/4' x 1 3/4" and those from £1 10s through £3 are 2 3/8" x 3 1/4". The £15 and £25 are engraved and are 3 1/4" x 4 3/4". The £50 and £100 are engraved and are 3 1/2" x 5 3/8". The denominations from £15 through £100 are printed on both white and bluish paper. Only the £50 and £100 have printed backs and these contain the motto DEUS PUGNAVIT ET DISSIPANTUR (God has fought and the opposition was dispersed). Signers were Edward Blake, John Deas, William Doughty, Peter Fayssoux, James Fisher, William Gibbes, William Greenwood, Elias Horry, Jr., John Huger, Alexander Inglis, Thomas Jones, Samuel Legare, Peter Leger, John Mathews, John McCall, Jacob Motte, Alexander Moultrie, John Parker, Samuel Prioleau, Jr., N. Russell, Thomas Savage, John Scott, Roger Smith, J. Ward, Thomas Waring, and John Webb.

1s3d [10,000]
2s3d [10,000]
3s9d [10,000]
5s [10,000]
6s3d [12,000]
12s6d [10,000]
17s6d [10,000]
£1 10s [6,000]
£1 15s [10,000]
£2 [5,500]
£2 5s [10,000]
£3 [5,000]
£15 Rattlesnake attacking British lion. MAGNIS INTERDUM PARVA NOCENT (Sometimes small things do harm to big ones) [9,000]
£25 Flourishing tree and fallen tree. MELIOREM LAPSA LOCAVIT (Having fallen it found a better place) [5,200]
£50 Trophies. ANIMIS OPIBUSQUE PARATI (Prepared in spirit and in resources) [3,700]
£100 Thirteen hearts. QUIS SEPARABIT (Who will separate) [2,000]

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