Early Paper Money of America / Georgia / 1735-50 Sola Bills
User Collection PubblicoEarly Paper Money of America (NNP Edition)|£32,250 sterling in Sola Bills were provided by the issuance in England of bearer Bills of Exchange drawn by the accountant for the “Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America” and countersigned by James Oglethorpe and others in America. The name, Sola Bill, was applied because, being intended for circulation, only one bill of exchange was drawn and was not supplemented with the second, third and more bills of exchange which customarily paralleled the first. Sola Bills circulated in America as currency until they were returned to England for payment. £4,000 were issued July 24, 1735, £3,150 on Aug. 4, 1736, £4,850 on Aug. 10, 1737, etc. until Mar. 27, 1750 by which time £32,250 had been issued. Sola Bills were engraved and indented. Marbled paper was used for the May 21, 1740 printing. On Mar. 8, 1742 Sola Bills were made payable “to order” instead of “to bearer” so that they would be non-negotiable until their arrival and endorsement in America in case of seizure by a privateer. All Sola Bills were called for payment by Dec. 31, 1755, becoming unredeemable thereafter. Signers were J. Carman as accountant and Thomas Christie, James Habersham, Thomas Jones, James Oglethorpe, Henry Parker, William Spencer, and William Stephens as original payees.
£1 Various forms [14,500]
£2 [500]
£5 Various forms [2,250]
£10 Various forms [450]
£20 [50]