Postmarked Oct 20, 1908, 9:30am in Philadelphia, PA. Addressed to J. H. Carder, 10 Valley St., St Johnsburg, Vermont. Manufacturer's note: "The New U.S. Mint. The New U.S. Mint is constructed of Maine granite, at a cost of about 2,400,00 dollars. It took two years to complete it. The New U.S. Mint has three times the capacity of the old one, which was established in Philadelphia in 1792." Handwritten note: "10/19/08. Will you please exchange with me? I would like some new (...) from city. (Luck) card not necessary. W.R. de Castro. 1757 N. Bailey St., Philadelphia." Handwritten 7 in top left corner.
Blank postcard. Manufacturer's text: "The New U.S. Mint. The New U.S. Mint is constructed of Maine granite, at a cost of about 2,400,000 dollars. It took two years to complete it. The New Mint has three times the capacity of the old one, which was established in Phildalphia in 1792." Handwritten 10 in top left corner.