Postmarked Sep 1, 1907, 4:30pm in Philadelphia, PA. Addressed to Mrs. Geo. Reiners. 1929-86th St. Brooklyn, N.Y. Handwritten 10 in top left corner. Published by F. von Bardeleben, New York & Germany. Made in Germany.
Postmarked Sep 27, 1908, 4:30pm in Philadelphia, PA. Addressed to Miss Anna K. (Hintramule), Cedar Grove, New Jersey. Handwritten note: "Mr Airy, Pa. He annexed all rights at 6:30. Edd Maggie." Handwritten 4 in top left corner.
Blank postcard. Manufacturer's text: "The birthplace of our National Coinage. First public building erected by Act of Congress, under personal supervision of Washington, 1792. Located 37 and 39 N. Seventh St. and 631 Filbert St., Philadelphia. The new building now on the site of the old Mint buildings is the home of Frank H. Steward Electric Company who own the beautiful, original, historical picture "Ye Olde Mint," the only one ever made of the three buildings, and from which this print was copied." Handwritten 6 in top left corner.