Early Paper Money of America / New Jersey / 1781 (1781 January 9 Act)
User Collection PúblicoEarly Paper Money of America (NNP Edition)|
£30,000 in legal tender Bills of Credit redeemable by Dec. 31, 1787. Legal tender was terminated as of May 1, 1782 pursuant to the June 13, 1781 Act. These were paid out on a depreciated basis at current exchange rates pursuant to the Dec. 29, 1781 Resolution. By the Dec. 21, 1784 Act bills were revalued at $3 in bills for $1 in specie. The faces contain the N.J. State seal. The nature print of the sage leaf on the back has its stem opposite the left side of the face of the Bill, thus differing from all prior issues. Printed in black by Isaac Collins at Trenton on paper-watermarked NEW JERSEY. Signers were David Brearley, Philemon Dickinson, Robert Neil, and Benjamin Smith.
6d [20,000]9d [20,000]
1s [20,000]
1s6d [20,000]
2s6d [20,000]
3s6d [20,000]
3s9d [20,000]
4s [20,000]
5s [20,000]
7s6d ($1.00) [20,000]