Early Paper Money of America / Connecticut / 1740 May 8 redated 1746 May 8

User Collection Publique
1 Item
Last Updated: 2022-05-19

Early Paper Money of America (NNP Edition)|

£20,000 and £35,000 in New Tenor Bills of Credit issued pursuant to the May 1746 and June 1746 Acts for the Cape Breton expedition. The same faceplates dated May 8, 1740 redated May 10, 1744, Oct. 11, 1744, and Mar. 14, 1744/45, had "May 8th, 1746" added without changing the other dates. Either May 8, 1746 or June 19, 1746 was included in the typeset text on the back along with initials of the Commissioners. The use of redated faceplates for this and the prior issue resulted in the 2s denomination being issued in two completely different styles for the May 8, 1746 authorization. Printed by Timothy Green. These bills used the same signers as prior issue.

7s Seaven ▷CF◁ Good $1,035 Stack’s May 2004
20s ▷CF◁
40s ▷CF◁
£3 ▷CF◁ Very Good $3,450 Stack’s May 2004 (Counterfeit)

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