Images of the Denver Mint. Image descriptions are courtesy of Roger W. Burdette.
Bulk metal bar lifting tongs open position read for full load.
National Archives reference: record group 104, entry 49 (Denver), box 2, folder 1.
Bulk metal bar lifting tongs with full load.
Wood box of cut scrap from experiments. Box measures approximately 12x12x4-inches, and hold 700 troy ounces.
National Archives reference: record group 104, entry 49 (Denver), box 1, folder 6.
Scrap cutter (detail) used in experiments.
Overview of scrap cutter used in experiments. Notice wood receiving box at lower left.
Damaged milling equipment, detail of unidentified parts.
National Archives reference: record group 104, entry 49 (Denver), box 1, folder 5.
Damaged milling equipment, close-up.
Workmen with damaged milling machine.
Damaged milling machine.
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