Early Paper Money of America / Delaware / 1753 January 1
User Collection Publique
Last Updated: 2022-05-19
Early Paper Money of America (NNP Edition)|
£3,000 in Bills of Credit is similar to the previous issue. The backs of the four lowest denominations are blank. The backs of the two highest denominations are the same as the corresponding backs of the previous issue. Printed by Benjamin Franklin and David Hall. Signers were William Armstrong, John Brinkley, and John Clowes. A letter dated Mar. 15, 1753 written by Franklin to Jehu Curtis is included and discussed in the Introduction and confirms many of Franklin's printing practices.
1s Plate letters A & B [6,000]18d Plate letters A & B [5,000]
2s Plate letters A & B [4,000]
2s6d Plate letters A & B [6,200]
5s Sea serpents, blackberry leaf [2,400]
10s Elephant, assorted leaves [1,100]