[back] THE OLD ASSAY OFFICE BOISE, IDAHO (The place to go is Idaho) The old U.S. Assay Office, built in 1870-72, was Boise's pride and a symbol of the importance of the Idaho gold mines both to Idaho and to the nation. In 1933 the building became headquarters of the Boise National Forest. With its noble trees and orginial fence, the stone structure still looks much as it did when Boise was only a decade old.
[back] THE OLD ASSAY OFFICE BOISE, IDAHO (The place to go is Idaho) The old U.S. Assay Office, built in 1870-72, was Boise's pride and a symbol of the importance of the Idaho gold mines both to Idaho and to the nation. In 1933 the building became headquarters of the Boise National Forest. With its noble trees and orginial fence, the stone structure still looks much as it did when Boise was only a decade old.
[back] OLDEST STONE BANK BUILDING NOW STANDING IN OHIO (1970). First corporation in Ohio to exercise banking powers exclusively. Chartered 1808 as Bank of Marietta and used as a bank till 1813. Known as David Putnam Building. Location known as Harmar until 1890 when incorporated as part of Marietta. The building now serves as a private residence.
[back] OLDEST STONE BANK BUILDING NOW STANDING IN OHIO (1970). First corporation in Ohio to exercise banking powers exclusively. Chartered 1808 as Bank of Marietta and used as a bank till 1813. Known as David Putnam Building. Location known as Harmar until 1890 when incorporated as part of Marietta. The building now serves as a private residence.
[front]The first United States Mint. Now belonging to the Frank H. Stewart Electric Co. 35 N. 7th St., Phila.[back]First building erected by U.S. Gov. Corner stone laid by Washington. F.H.S.E. Co.