Handwritten note: 6-14-1908, Thank you for your pretty card. I like it very much, hope you will like these. Would be pleased to hear from you again. Yours truly, Miss Emma Wash, 1102 Spring St., Canton, Il. Printed in Germany. Handwritten 4 in top-left.
Blank post card. For J.C. Scott, Bethel, Ohio, Publisher. "Our photogravure hand tinted cards are Real Gems of Art." Kraemer Art co. Cincinnati, Berlin. Printed in Germany. Handwritten 4 in top-left.
Blank post card. Manufacturer's text: Located at 7th and Church Streets, the Old Swede's Church was built in 1698 by the Swedes and Dutch. When first built it was severly plain, but since has been elaborated to some extent. In the church yard there are markers dating from 1656. Pub. by Del Mar News Agency, Wilmington, Del. Handwritten 3 in top-left and 0-1 in top-right.
Blank post card. Manufacturer's text: The Memorial to William McKinley, 25th President of the United States, at Niles, Ohio, built almost the exact spot where McKinley was born January 29, 1843. The building is 232 feet in length, 136 feet in width, and 38 feet in height. It is centrally located on a site provided by the city of Niles. Genuine Curteich-Chicago "C.T. Art-Colortone" Post Card (Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.) Handwritten 4 in top-left corner.