Early Paper Money of America / New York / 1755 September 15

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3 Items
Last Updated: 2022-05-19

Early Paper Money of America (NNP Edition)|£8,000 in legal tender Bills of Credit approved on Sept. 11, 1755 and to be redeemed by Nov. 1761.These were similar to the Dec. 10, 1737 issue. An apostrophe is inserted in It’s. Printed by James Parker. Blank dark coarse paper backs. Signers were Leonard Lispenard, Philip Livingston*, Frederick Philipse, and Beverly Robinson.

5s [1,200]
10s [1,000]
20s Plate A & B [1,000]
£2 [300]
£3 [300]  Almost Good $891 Stack’s May, 2004
£4 [300]
£5 [300]
£10 [200]  Unc $9,200 Stack’s May, 2004

*Signer of Declaration of Independence.

Funktioniert (3)

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