Early Paper Money of America / South Carolina / 1793 (Bank of South Carolina, Dollar Issue After 1793)

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Last Updated: 2022-05-19

Early Paper Money of America (NNP Edition)|

The Bank of South Carolina was incorporated in South Carolina on Dec. 19, 1801 for 21 years with a capital of $640,000 and a debt limitation (including bank notes) of its specie deposits plus three times its capital. The date of the issue of its notes in dollar denominations has not been determined. Engraved by Creed. Paper watermarked BANK OF S. CAROLINA. The higher denominations were larger in size than the lower denominations to prevent alteration. The mottoes are ANIMUS OPIBUSQUE PARATI (Alive and powerfully prepared); DUM SPIRO SPERO (While I live I hope); and SPES (Hope).

$1 Plate letters A, B, C, D & E  ▷RP◁ 
$2 Plate letters F, G, H, J & K  ▷RP◁
$5 Plate letters A, B, C & D  ▷RP◁
$10 Plate letters A & B ▷RP◁
$20 Plate letters M, N, O, P & Q ▷RP◁
$50 Only plate letter C known  ▷RP◁ 
$100 Plate letters R, S, T, U & V   ▷RP◁

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