Early Paper Money of America / Connecticut / 1709 July 12 redated May 1713 (Flowers)

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Last Updated: 2022-05-19

Early Paper Money of America (NNP Edition)|

£10,000 (£4,000, £4,000 and £2,000) in indented Bills of Credit authorized by May 1719, Oct. 1722 (to replace torn bills) and Oct. 1724 Acts. Identical to prior issue except an engraved floral design instead of a scroll was printed on the back of the four highest denominations. In 1719 faceplates were reengraved in Boston. Printed by Timothy Green. All Colony bills were made legal tender until 1727 by Oct. 1718 Act, except where otherwise specified in the contract, and this status was extended until prohibited by the Crown in 1741. These bills contained the same signers as prior issue. Four highest denominations signed in red ink.

2s [7,853]
2s6d [7,853]
3s [7,853]
5s [7,853]
10s [599]
20s [599]
40s [599]

Funktioniert (1)

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