Early Paper Money of America / New Hampshire / 1717 May 20 redated 1722
User Collection PúblicoEarly Paper Money of America (NNP Edition)|£2,800 in indented Bills of Credit authorized on May 9, 1722 and £2,000 on Oct. 27, 1722. The two May 20, 1717 face plates, the lower one of which was already redated 1714 and 1717, were redated 1722 without disturbing the prior dates. The monogram GR (Georgius Rex) in normal and mirror image form was on back of denominations printed from the lower plate and monogram CNH (Colony of New Hampshire) in normal and partly mirrored form was on the back of denominations printed from the upper plate. The CNH monogram was engraved by John Coney. The signers were James Davis, Jonathan Frost, John Gillian, Mark Hunking, George Jaffrey, Joshua Peirce, John Plaisted, Peter Weare, and Richard Wibird.
£3 10s