Early Paper Money of America / South Carolina / 1777 February 14 Ordinance
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Last Updated: 2022-05-19
Early Paper Money of America (NNP Edition)|
$308,000 (£500,500) in Bills of Credit authorized by the Feb. 14, 1777 Ordinance because the amount to be borrowed under the Dec. 23, 1776 Act was not obtainable. Engraved faceplates containing emblems and mottoes. Backs are typeset. Printed on dark brown paper. Signers were William Banbury, Edward Blake, Samuel Legare, William Logan, William Parker, and R. W. Powell.
$20 (£32 10s) Bird escaping from cage. IBI PATRIA UBI LIBERTAS (Here in our country is where freedom is) [6,160]$30 (£48 15s) Man with pack. MISERA SERVITUS OMNIS (All servitude is wretched) [6,160]