Blank post card. Raphael Tuck & Sons' Post Card Serires No. 2108. "New Orleans, La." Art published to their majesties the King and Queen. Handwritten 14 in top-left.
Postmarked Jan 1, 1932, 10:30am, New Orleans, LA. Addressed to Mrs. Nelson D. Kimball, Concord, New Hampshire, R.F.D. #9: We were treated to a boatride along the docks, built on the levees up both sides of the river. We arrived Monday Dec. 28 and are leaving tomorrow night Jan. 1, 1932. A very quaint and interesting old city with lots of history and tradition. Herbert has been attending meetings of American Assn. for Advancement of Science held here this week and as all my family would be away Christmas, I came with him. �Hope you are well�With love, [signature] Manufacturer's text: The port of New Orleans in 1852�note the spires of historic St. Louis Cathedra overlooking the river in the distance. Note, too, the interesting variety of old rivercraft and ocean vessels. E.C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee. Handwritten 3 in top-left and B in middle.
Blank post card. Manufacturer's text: United States Mint, New Orleans, LA. United States Mint. Erected in 1835 at Decatur Street and Esplanade Avenue. It has a capacity of turning out $60,000,000 in silver coinage yearly. In 1862 William Mumford was hanged in front of the Mint by order of Gen. Benj. F. Butler, for tearing down the U.S. flag from the roof of the structure, after the Union Army had taken possession of the city. An official guide is always ready to show visitors through the various departments. Take Levee and Barracks or French Market cars, from Canal Street. Published by Lipsher Specialty Co., New Orleans, LA. Made in U.S.A. Handwritten 3 in top-left.