Postmarked Mar 9, 1914, 12m, New Orleans, LA. From 2031 St. Charles Ave. Addressed to Mr. R. White, Navy Yard, Phila, Pa.: Oh White its beautiful here. Harvey and I are very happy. Was glad to get off the train. Margaret. Go Mayor Reid. Manufacturer's text: United States Mint, New Orleans, LA. United States Mint. Erected in 1835 at Decatur Street and Esplanade Avenue. It has a capacity of turning out $60,000,000 in silver coinage yearly. In 1862 William Mumford was hanged in front of the Mint by order of Gen. Benj. F. Butler, for tearing down the U.S. flag from the roof of the structure, after the Union Army had taken possession of the city. An official guide is always ready to show visitors through the various departments. Take Levee and Barracks or French Market cars, from Canal Street. Published by the Inter-State News Co. Made in U.S.A. Handwritten 3 in top-left.
Blank post card. Manufacturer's text: United States Mint, New Orleans, LA. United States Mint. Erected in 1835 at Decatur Street and Esplanade Avenue. It has a capacity of turning out $60,000,000 in silver coinage yearly. In 1862 William Mumford was hanged in front of the Mint by order of Gen. Benj. F. Butler, for tearing down the U.S. flag from the roof of the structure, after the Union Army had taken possession of the city. An official guide is always ready to show visitors through the various departments. Take Levee and Barracks or French Market cars, from Canal Street. Handwritten 8 in top-left.
Postmarked May 15, 6pm, Lake City. Addressed to Miss Helen Heitman, Marine Hospital, Savannah, Ga.: No particular sign in free on Sunday. This cond. sure need a mint to travel now. Still enter tarning sisters in Dla. Regards, S. Manufacturer's text: United States Mint, New Orleans, LA. United States Mint. Erected in 1835 at Decatur Street and Esplanade Avenue. It has a capacity of turning out $60,000,000 in silver coinage yearly. In 1862 William Mumford was hanged in front of the Mint by order of Gen. Benj. F. Butler, for tearing down the U.S. flag from the roof of the structure, after the Union Army had taken possession of the city. An official guide is always ready to show visitors through the various departments. Take Levee and Barracks or French Market cars, from Canal Street. Published by H.B. Brown, New Orleans, LA. Made in U.S.A. Handwritten 8 in top-left.
Postmarked Jun 9, 1910, 2:30pm, Memphis, Tenn. Addressed to Misses Bessie & Lessie Ramsey, Mineral, Louisiana: Dear Bessie and Lessie: Truly I saw in Tenn. back not home yet, will leave here at 12:40 today. We had a friend in New Orleans. Got our auto and took in the most interesting parts of city. Sister & Miss Kurtz went of Nasheville, so dark here alone. Let me hear from you at Macon, Tenn. How have you been since school was... Love to all, Frankie. Handwritten 4 in top-left. F.M. Kirby & Co., New Orleans, La.