Early Paper Money of America / Pennsylvania / 1781 April 20

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22 Items
Last Updated: 2022-05-19

Early Paper Money of America (NNP Edition)|

Originally £500,000 in NEW BILLS was authorized under the April 7, 1781 Act to support the Army and to exchange at depreciated rates for the issue of April 11, 1777 and prior issues. Under the Jan. 31, 1783 Act this denomination was eliminated as part of a total reduction of £13,500. There seems to be a miscalculation in the original total. See August 10, 1777 issue for spelling and type style variations. Pellets in the Arms are keyed to the denominations. Printed on paper-watermarked PENNSYLVANIA in two lines. The three lowest denominations are small in size and have typeset backs. A chevron pattern is on the 2s6d. A farming scene from the April 10, 1777 issue is on the £5. The backs of the others have previously used nature prints. The Arms of the eight highest denominations have the motto AGRICULTURE & COMMERCE. Trial specimens of some backs exist. Signers were Richard Bache, John Baynton, Philip Boehm, Jacob Barge, James Budden, Joseph Bullock, Samuel Caldwell, David H. Cunningham, Joseph Dean, Tench Francis, Isaac Howell, Jacob S. Howell, Robert Knox, John Mease, Samuel Meredith, Jonathan Mifflin, John Miller, Cadwalader Morris, John Patten, Thomas Pryor, John Purviance, David Schaffer, Jr., Michael Shubart, and Joseph Wharton. The seven lowest denominations have one signer and the others have two signers. One signature and numbering usually appeared in red ink.

3d Plate A, Pennsylvania. Pence misspelled PENEE at end of text [20,000]
3d Plate B, Pennsylvania. [20,000]
6d Plate A, Pennsylvania. Lower border words separate [20,000]
6d Plate B, Pennsylvania. Lower border words too close [20,000]
9d Plate A, Pennsylvania. Lower border letters are black [20,000]
9d Plate B, Pennsylvania. Lower border letters are white [20,000]
1s6d Pennsylvania [20,000]
2s Pennsylvania, Plate A. [20,000]
2s6d Pennsylvania, Plate A. [20,000]
5s Pennsylvania, Plate A. [20,000]
10s Pennsylvania [29,076]
15s Pennsylvania [29,076]
20s PENNSYLVANIA [29,077]
30s U in DUNLAP is weak. Pennsylvania [29,077]
40s Pennsylvania [29,077]
50s Pennsylvania [29,077]
60s Pennsylvania [29,077]
£5 Pennsylvania [29,077]

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