Early Paper Money of America / South Carolina / 1760 Second Issue
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Last Updated: 2022-05-19
Early Paper Money of America (NNP Edition)|
£125,000 in Public Orders authorized by the Aug. 20, 1760 Act. Indented engraved Orders payable to bearer and good for taxes until Nov. 30, 1766. Issued primarily for the expense of Middleton's Regiment. The day and month were written in ink. Signers were Richard Beresford, William Drayton, Christopher Gadsden, David Grame, Henry Laurens, and John McQueen.
£20 SUME EX SCELERATO SANGUINE POENAM (Exact punishment from guilty blood). INFRACTO FOEDERE (By treaty unbroken) [6,250] Very Good $7,475 Stack’s May, 2004