Early Paper Money of America / New Hampshire / 1717 May 20 backdated to 1714

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Last Updated: 2022-05-19

Early Paper Money of America (NNP Edition)|£5,384 in indented Bills of Credit was emitted to replace all bills printed prior to 1716 from the 1709 plates and was authorized by the May 9, 1722 and Oct. 27,1722 Resolutions. The monogram GR in both normal and mirror image was combined on the back. To distinguish this emission from the bills previously issued from the May 20, 1717 plates, the figure “1714” was engraved on the lower right margin of the four denominations on the small denomination plate. Backdating was a novel procedure. (see the following images).

1s [3,368]    1s6d [3,368]    4s6d [3,368]    25s [3,368]

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