Early Paper Money of America / Connecticut / 1709 July 12
User Collection PublicEarly Paper Money of America (NNP Edition)|
£24,000 (£8,000, £11,000, and £5,000) in indented Bills of Credit issued pursuant to the May 1709, Oct. 1709 and Oct. 1710 Acts to pay for an aborted expedition against Canada. These were receivable for taxes at 5% advance, but not legal tender. Engraved on two copper plates by Jeremiah Dummer of Boston, the four highest denominations being on the “large” or “great plate” and the lowest four being on the “small plate.” Colony Arms contain the motto SUSTINET QUI TRANSTULIT (He who transplants sustains himself). The Arms are surrounded by frames, having a different shape for each denomination. The back contains an engraved scroll from the identical back plate used for contemporaneous issues of Massachusetts Bay. Signers were John Chester, John Eliot, John Haynes, Caleb Stanly, and Joseph Tallcott.
2s Diamond2s6d Six points and two convex sides resembling a pelt
3s Rectangle with convexity on top and bottom (Very Good, altered, $9,775 Stack’s May 2004)
5s Eight alternating arcs of two sizes
10s Rectangular with one point on both top and bottom and with convexity on the sides ▷CF◁
40s Four leaf like points on top and bottom plus irregular sides ▷CF◁
£5 Large 270 degree arc at top, convex sides, and two wing-like elements below