Early Paper Money of America / New Jersey / 1784 (1783 December 20 Act)
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Last Updated: 2022-05-19
Early Paper Money of America (NNP Edition)|
£31,259 5s in Tax Notes were approved by the Dec. 20, 1783 Act, payable at New Jersey Money of Account rates of 7s6d per Spanish Dollar. The State seal is on the face. The date 1784 and a nature print of a sage leaf are on the back. The stem is opposite the left side of the face as in the previous issue. Recalled within one year. Printed by Isaac Collins on paper-watermarked NEW JERSEY. Signers were James Ewing and James Mott.
2s6d [3,976]
3s9d ($1/2) [3,976]
5s [3,976]
7s6d ($1) Bees on the back [3,976]
12s [3,976]
15s ($2) [3,975]
30s ($4) [3,977]
£3 ($8) [3,000]
£6 ($16) [1,200]