Pat McBride of the Pennsylvania Association of Numismatists writes:
PAN would love to offer NBS members our May and Oct shows as a destination point. We would offer space for a meeting or gathering. The Burns Library will be consistently set up at the PAN shows and could act as a base of operations. We would be more than grateful for maintenance help, list creation, bookplate insertions, book donation solicitations and input from bibliophilic experts. Keep in mind it is not PAN's library. It is publicly maintained from contributions and is everyone's library.
Thanks! So here's a tentative schedule, but organizers are still needed. Organizers needn't give a presentation or recruit a speaker, although that would be welcome. Mainly, the organizer just makes sure the meeting is publicized at the event, and leads around-the-room introductions and an open discussion session for any topics brought up by the attendees. -EditorOctober 24, 2015: Fall PAN Show: Organizer needed
November 6, 2015: Whitman Baltimore Show: Len Augsburger and Wayne Homren
February 5, 2016, Long Beach: Organizer needed
May 7, 2016, PAN Spring Show: Organizer neededTo read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
NBS REGIONAL EVENT ORGANIZERS SOUGHT (www.coinbooks.org/esylum_v18n35a02.html)- 2015-09-06
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