[Colonial Numismatics] "Missing Item" Publique Deposited


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  • From njraywms@optonline.net Tue Oct 30 12:01:55 2001
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    Subject: Re: [Colonial Numismatics] "Missing Item"
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    From: Ray Williams <njraywms@optonline.net>
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    Hi Morris!
    "Curious" is doing fine, along with Kayla's coin. I'll return hers at
    the convention and I'll mail your's back after the convention. I have
    photo's, weights and measurements. I little article should be ready for
    maybe the next issue of the C4 Newsletter.

    For all you who haven't met Morris, he's a lot of fun and truly loves
    this hobby. I met him and his amazing 57-n at the PAN Convention (in
    Pittsburg area) last Spring. I hope next year you'll all have an
    opportunity to meet him in Boston.

    Thanks for all the help I received privately on that 88 CT. It seems to
    be an awesome coin now that I've seen the picture and have more of a
    background on it. If it should be in Boston with the dealer it's consigned
    to, I'll let you all know. You might just want to stop by his table to see
    what a beautiful Ct Copper looks like. OH, to all my friends that collect
    CT's, of course I know there are CT's that are worth more than $10 K - was
    just joshin' ya.


URL source Date publiée
  • 2001-10-30
  • 1

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Auteur NNP