Hodder response 上市 Deposited

- From jlorenzo@ob.ilww.com Fri Jun 07 11:14:52 2002
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Date: Fri, 07 Jun 2002 18:14:26 -0000
To: colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Hodder response
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From: "njcopperjohn" <jlorenzo@ob.ilww.com>
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One last post for bismuth. Its not so much the presence of Bi Michael
but the concentation level seen in the alloy compositions in the
Craddock report for these copper ingots. These levels of greater than
0.1% is most important to our forthcoming data. Presence and
quantitative level TOGETHER in the alloy composition in comparison to
to the two NJ copper mines you mentioned and wherever in
NJ,CT,MASS,etc.... our studies take us.
JPL. - 2002-06-07
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