Who is 'Dr. Black' from NN 60th Sale? Público Deposited


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  • From johnmenc@optonline.net Sun Jun 29 18:16:45 2003
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    Subject: Re: Who is 'Dr. Black' from NN 60th Sale?
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    There are two last names that have Black that I have run accross. The
    Archie Black from southern NJ as Ray mentions although not in anyway
    into colonials (I jumped the gum in naming him) and Edward Black.
    Edward Black founded the Northern Valley Coin Club (NVCC) in
    Demarest, NJ in which I am its current President. I had never heard
    of Archie being into colonials, but Edward Black has a very
    respectable NJ collection who he sold intact to William Anton. Bill's
    father William Sr. was good friends with Edward and when Sr. died
    Edward sold his NJ collection to Bill Jr.
    I suspect if Black is connected to some NJ's in this NN60 sale it was
    Edward Black which was simply some he consigned along the way.
    To this day numismatists who have contributed greatly to the NVCC we
    present them with the Ed Black award. The symbol of the NVCC is the
    horse head and plow taken from the NJ Colonial obverse a series Ed
    truly loved and which he specialized.
    To this end its probably Edward and remotely Archie. I think Archie
    Black may still be alive and Edward has long passed away.


    --- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, "mike hodder" <mhodder@t...>
    > Archie
    > --- In colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com, "John Lorenzo"
    <johnmenc@o...> wrote:
    > > Is the first name given Archie or Edward????

URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2003-06-29
  • 1


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