Just a Little Test - Slabbed vs Unchackled - New Jerseys Público Deposited

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  • From joshalso2000@yahoo.com Sun Oct 26 10:45:00 2003
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    Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2003 10:44:11 -0800 (PST)
    Subject: Just a Little Test - Slabbed vs Unchackled - New Jerseys
    To: Colonial Coins <colonial-coins@yahoogroups.com>
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    From: Morris Hankins <joshalso2000@yahoo.com>
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    Hey, hey, hey. Open up your email for pics. Have a little test to send out in a couple of hours.

    Will be sending -6- Emails on Different New Jerseys. All of which were liberated from slabs this morning. There were four different Slab Houses represented in this mini collection.

    What I want is for you to examine the coin and on each one give me your grade and why. I will wait for several days and then post the responses and who the slab company was and what their grade was. While not scientific much less colonial attributed, I noticed a pattern which I will share for you to shoot holes in.

    This should be a fun little exercise to while away the time until Ford Connecticut comes along.


    Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii

    <DIV>Hey, hey, hey.  Open up your email for pics.  Have a little test to send out in a couple of hours.</DIV>
    <DIV> </DIV>
    <DIV>Will be sending -6- Emails on Different New Jerseys.  All of which were liberated from slabs this morning.  There were four different Slab Houses represented in this mini collection.</DIV>
    <DIV> </DIV>
    <DIV>What I want is for you to examine the coin and on each one give me your grade and why.  I will wait for several days and then post the responses and who the slab company was and what their grade was.  While not scientific much less colonial attributed, I noticed a pattern which I will share for you to shoot holes in.</DIV>
    <DIV> </DIV>
    <DIV>This should be a fun little exercise to while away the time until Ford Connecticut comes along.</DIV>
    <DIV> </DIV>
URL da fonte Data de publicação
  • 2003-10-26
  • 1


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