Why Bother! Public Deposited

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  • From rg5turc@aol.com Fri May 21 21:04:24 2004
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    In a message dated 5/21/04 9:58:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
    johnmenc@optonline.net writes:

    > At this point if Craddock comes up with anything further on tin - I
    > will post it ...lamination streaks, striations from the rolling
    > operation ...its blacksmith time JS...looking forward to some
    > Vermont XRF data...just for the hell of it.

    I am confused as to why I should even bother to fucking post? I left this
    post the other day and there is nothing worse than non-response as if you didn't
    even exist. Maybe my original post of your Colonial elitism wasn'tso far off
    the mark. Actually maybe why don't you shove your Colonialism Comaradity and
    Bullshit up where the sun don't shine.

    Ray T.

    Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
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    <HTML><FONT FACE=3Darial,helvetica><HTML><FONT SIZE=3D2 PTSIZE=3D10 FAMILY=
    =3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">In a message dated 5/21/04 9:58:38=
    PM Eastern Daylight Time, johnmenc@optonline.net writes:<BR>
    <BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=3DCITE style=3D"BORDER-LEFT: #0000ff 2px solid; MARGIN-LEF=
    T: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px">At this point if Craddock com=
    es up with anything further on tin - I <BR>
    will post it ...lamination streaks, striations from the rolling <BR>
    operation ...its blacksmith time JS...looking forward to some <BR>
    Vermont XRF data...just for the hell of it.<BR>
    I am confused as to why I should even bother to fucking post? I left this p=
    ost the other day and there is nothing worse than non-response as if you di=
    dn't even exist. Maybe my original post of your Colonial elitism wasn'tso f=
    ar off the mark.  Actually maybe why don't you shove your  Coloni=
    alism Comaradity and Bullshit up where the sun don't shine.<BR>
    Ray T.</FONT></HTML>

Source URL Date published
  • 2004-05-21
  • 1


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