Why a mule?? Publique Deposited

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  • From taxi_steve929@yahoo.com Sat Jul 03 18:28:37 2004
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    Subject: Why a mule??
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    I was just wondering about the word "mule" used in coinage, and after
    looking at several definitions it hit me, just as the definition of
    the animal below, (A Hybrid) so goes our coin. This may have been
    obvious to most of you, but for those unfortunates such as myself,
    who used the word but never thought "why that word?", I believe this
    to be the reason....but I may be wrong.....Mike H., john M. K, Jim
    S., and a host of others whose command of the English language I
    admire can agree or correct me....if they want.

    A hybrid animal; specifically, one generated between an ass and a

URL source Date publiée
  • 2004-07-03
  • 1

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