HISPANIOLA - Does it belong in Atkins? Pubblico Deposited

- From johnmenc@optonline.net Sat Feb 09 09:26:09 2008
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From: "John Lorenzo" <johnmenc@optonline.net>
Subject: HISPANIOLA - Does it belong in Atkins?
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Normally when we see this legend we think of this rare evasive=20
halfpence - and rightfully so - got an interesting FPL from a private=20
dealer with the following information I found a bit unique and useful? -
so I thought I share the description:
HISPANIOLA. Ray Byrne 1156, Fonrobert 7621. This is a rather mysterious=20
item about which little is known. Obverse shows bearded bust (purported=20
to be Chr. Columbus) above which "Turcupellerius." Reverse shows=20
Hispaniola above seated lady (Britannia?) and rising sun. This item was=20
listed by Fonroberet in his 1878 book and illustrated under "Santo=20
Domingo." While we do not think it originates from this location, it=20
certainly has full right to be included in any collection dealing with=20
such or Hati or the West Indies, by mere virtue of its design and=20
written name. Over the years we have seen no more than 4 or 5 pieces.
Comments? if any ... (JPL - it does sort of stick out in the Atkins=20
Evasion series ...). Any thoughts on ths piece Morris or Jeff based on=20
current Evasion Copper information??? - 2008-02-09
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