The Durst's, was Re Pubblico Deposited

[Colonial Numismatics] FW


NE XII in copper-BECKER

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  • From Mon Jun 30 17:52:40 2008
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    From: "David Fanning" <>
    Subject: Re: The Durst's, was Re: [Colonial Numismatics] FW: NE XII in copper-BECKER
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    Hi, all--

    I have to admit that I was staying out of this conversation on purpose. How=
    ever, it seems to be clearing up at this point. I think Dan makes an excell=
    ent point that what people are looking for in old books varies. No one is b=
    uying a copy of the Frossard/Hays book to attribute large cents, for instan=
    ce, and there would be far fewer buyers indeed for volumes like this were t=
    hey not illustrated. The interest among collectors in provenance, which was=
    practically non-existent for much of the 20th century, is now very strong,=
    and being able to identify specific coins on specific plates is key to est=
    ablishing such provenances.

    John, I have to admit that I also misunderstood the gist of your post at fi=
    rst, so I'm glad that this clarification came about. I know I certainly do =
    not disparage the motivations of any of my customers, as I think you unders=



    David F. Fanning
    Numismatic Literature
    PO Box 132422
    Columbus, OH 43213

    ----- Original Message -----=20
    From: Freidus, Daniel=20
    Sent: Monday, June 30, 2008 4:39 PM
    Subject: RE: The Durst's, was Re: [Colonial Numismatics] FW: NE XII in co=

    Sorry if I was denser than a poorly fried zeppoli. I guess my brain is st=
    ill recovering from the drive to and from Memphis, about 25 hours of drivin=
    g this weekend. My first time to the big paper money show there. I ran into=
    Bruce Paulhamus as I was walking in and had arranged to meet Will Nipper l=
    ater. Dealers with colonial paper included Tom Denly, Stu Levine, Dana Line=
    tt (hadn=E2=80=99t seen him set up at a show in years), Ed Rothberg (Empori=
    um), Hugh Shull, Smythe, and a number of others with bits and pieces. (and =
    few with more than bits but whose names I can=E2=80=99t recall right now).=
    Nice to catch up with Bruce and Will and I got to see Will=E2=80=99s new b=
    ook (more on that later).

    I guess I did miss the point. But I=E2=80=99d disagree. If you mean refer=
    ence books, yes, some people only want 1 or 2 books and they won=E2=80=99t =
    keep dealers in business but they do help. But rare book buyers may be main=
    ly after pictures. They may even be looking for books without pictures tha=
    t they want to own but not read. Numis lit buyers include book collectors a=
    nd coin collectors. What those people want in a book might be different. So=
    me of us have libraries that are mixed; some books for content, some for co=
    llectability. My original =E2=80=9CState Coinages=E2=80=9D (Miller/Ryder) =
    isn=E2=80=99t for the printed info. And it=E2=80=99s not for the pristine b=
    inding. It=E2=80=99s for the provenance (most recent owner was some guy nam=
    ed Taylor) and notes in the margins. (I thought the coins in Taylor were ov=
    erpriced but I did buy a book. So I was only half wrong that day.) But I al=
    so own an Ovolon reprint. And I carry a photocopy of the table of punctuati=
    on and ornaments with me to shows to help narrow down the options.=20

    Maybe we actually are on the same page (or at least verso and recto of t=
    he same leaf).


    From: [mailto:colonial-coins@yahoogroups.c=
    om] On Behalf Of John Lupia
    Sent: Monday, June 30, 2008 3:08 PM
    Subject: RE: The Durst's, was Re: [Colonial Numismatics] FW: NE XII in co=


    I am very surprised you of all people missed the point. Book dealers of a=
    ll sorts depend on their living selling books. Their clients are obviously =
    people who read more so than the eye candy crowd that only occasionally buy=
    s a coffee-table variety book. In other words, as a candid inside peek at n=
    umismatic literature sales there seems to be two types that buys books, one=
    type to read (which typically have illustrations, rarely do numismatic boo=
    ks ever come without them) these are the mainstream buyers that keep the de=
    alers afloat and the other type that only want illustrations, meaning they =
    are not readers or buyers of books that keep the book dealer solvent and in=
    business. Apparently, the comment went over everyone's head like a lead (Z=
    eppelin) balloon.=20

    I apologize to David Fanning, a member of our list, for failing to mentio=
    n that he did not make this comment. David is a very good fellow with whom =
    I should be doing more business, but other pressing matters detain. I am mo=
    re than a year over due submitting my manuscript to a publisher in Berlin, =
    and personal business has been a bit overwhelming lately.

    Now, Dan, you say you have a collection of old math books for the same re=
    ason as I do. Which one has the earliest drawing of a coin?

    As for you comment about die variety descriptions so far you, me and Byro=
    n are all on the same page. Our complaint seems to be many are not written =
    too carefully or clearly and make the photo more important than the text. P=
    hoto and text should have about equal value, so that the photo would be not=
    hing more than a difficult puzzle without a clearly written text and the te=
    xt without a proper photo illustrating the points of the text makes the tex=
    t less understandable. This whole thread about the photos was a tangent res=
    ulting from misunderstanding what book dealers complaints are referring to =
    nothing more than that business could be better if coin collectors read mor=
    e and bought more books. It is better to hear Lead Zeppelin than to eat a l=
    ead zeppola.


    John N. Lupia III
    New Jersey, USA; Beirut, Lebanon=20
    God Bless Everyone

    --- On Mon, 6/30/08, Freidus, Daniel <> wrote:

    > From: Freidus, Daniel <>
    > Subject: RE: The Durst's, was Re: [Colonial Numismatics] FW: NE XII in =
    > To:
    > Date: Monday, June 30, 2008, 2:34 PM
    > John L (upia),
    > Not all book dealers are frustrated with collectors who
    > care about the illustrations. My father collected books for
    > decades and I met many of his dealers either at our home or,
    > on occasion, at a book show. When he hit the wall (good
    > books he wanted became either too hard to find or too
    > expensive), he sold them through Sotheby=E2=80=99s in a named
    > sale, so I know that the auction houses weren=E2=80=99t too
    > frustrated, either.
    > There is no correct way to collect coins or books. Collect
    > what you enjoy and can afford. Some people only want old
    > books in original bindings while don=E2=80=99t care much about
    > the binding. Part of my collection is late 18th-early 19th
    > century math books because they illustrate the changes made
    > in our monetary system. (books into the 1830s still referred
    > to accounting of official state currency values and how to
    > convert to value in federal currenc!). If I cared about
    > condition, my collection of those early schoolbooks would
    > be virtually nonexistent. But I draw the line and reject
    > those that have new 20th century bindings on them.=20
    > Completely arbitrary but that=E2=80=99s how I do it.=20
    > And most books with written die variety descriptions are
    > much less clear than those with good photos. I prefer a mix
    > of both, but given my experience I=E2=80=99d choose photos over
    > words if I had to choose. I hope that=E2=80=99s okay.
    > Dan F.
    > From:
    > [] On Behalf Of John
    > Lupia
    > Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 9:26 PM
    > To:
    > Subject: Re: The Durst's, was Re: [Colonial
    > Numismatics] FW: NE XII in copper-BECKER
    > I have been guarding a gem of info many of you should
    > actually know and hear. For some of us it is very funny,
    > for others, I guess it is a snide blow. I have been an avid
    > buyer of rare books for over thirty years, more like forty,
    > and through these years I know every major dealer around
    > the world. The point is that on more than one occasion
    > talking with them, especially, and I emphasize especially
    > numismatic literature dealers, they are extremely
    > frustrated with clients like you, and I really do not mean
    > to pick on you John, who are what they call the
    > "picture book people" as if you are still
    > children in elementary school who rely on illustrated
    > editions of Bunny Sees.
    > If you do not verbally know the diagnostic of a coin and
    > know how to write it, I repeat, I doubt any photo would do
    > you any good. As I said from the first that photos merely
    > enhance and support the text which should always be
    > foremost the primary matter of book.
    > John N. Lupia III
    > New Jersey, USA; Beirut, Lebanon=20
    > God Bless Everyone

    Content-Type: text/html;
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

    =EF=BB=BF<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "ht=
    <META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; charset=3Dutf-8">
    <META content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.6000.16674" name=3DGENERATOR></HEAD>
    <BODY style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" bgColor=3D#ffffff>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Hi, all--</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I have to admit that I was staying out of =
    conversation on purpose. However, it seems to be clearing up at this point.=
    think Dan makes an excellent point that what people are looking for in old =
    varies. No one is buying a copy of the Frossard/Hays book to attribute larg=
    cents, for instance, and there would be far fewer buyers indeed for volumes=
    this were they not illustrated. The interest among collectors in provenance=
    which was practically non-existent for much of the 20th century, is now ver=
    strong, and being able to identify specific coins on specific plates is key=
    establishing such provenances.</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>John, I have to admit that I also misunder=
    stood the=20
    gist of your post at first, so I'm glad that this clarification came about.=
    know I certainly do not disparage the motivations of any of my customers, a=
    s I=20
    think you understand.</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Best,</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>df</FONT></DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>David F. Fanning<BR>Numismatic Literature<=
    BR>PO Box=20
    132422<BR>Columbus, OH 43213<BR><A=20
    <DIV> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
    FT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
    <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial">----- Original Message ----- </DIV>
    style=3D"BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4; FONT: 10pt arial; font-color: black"><B>Fro=
    <A href=3D"">Freidus, D=
    <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>To:</B> <A=20
    <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Sent:</B> Monday, June 30, 2008 4:39 P=
    <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Subject:</B> RE: The Durst's, was Re:=
    [Colonial Numismatics] FW: NE XII in copper-BECKER</DIV>
    <DIV id=3Dygrp-text>
    <DIV class=3DSection1>
    <P class=3DMsoNormal><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt; COLOR: #1f497d">Sorr=
    y if I=20
    was denser than a poorly fried zeppoli. I guess my brain is still recover=
    from the drive to and from Memphis, about 25 hours of driving this weeken=
    d. My=20
    first time to the big paper money show there. I ran into Bruce Paulhamus =
    as I=20
    was walking in and had arranged to meet Will Nipper later. Dealers with=20
    colonial paper included Tom Denly, Stu Levine, Dana Linett (hadn=E2=80=99=
    t seen him=20
    set up at a show in years), Ed Rothberg (Emporium), Hugh Shull, Smythe, a=
    nd a=20
    number of others with bits and pieces. (and  few with more than bits=
    whose names I can=E2=80=99t recall right now). Nice to catch up with Bruc=
    e and Will=20
    and I got to see Will=E2=80=99s new book (more on that later).<O></O></SP=
    <P class=3DMsoNormal><SPAN=20
    style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt; COLOR: #1f497d"><O></O></SPAN></P>
    <P class=3DMsoNormal><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt; COLOR: #1f497d">I gu=
    ess I did=20
    miss the point. But I=E2=80=99d disagree. If you mean reference books, ye=
    s, some=20
    people only want 1 or 2 books and they won=E2=80=99t keep dealers in busi=
    ness but they=20
    do help. But rare book buyers may be mainly after pictures. They may even=
     be looking for books without pictures that they want to own but not=
    read. Numis lit buyers include book collectors and coin collectors. What =
    people want in a book might be different. Some of us have libraries that =
    mixed; some books for content, some for collectability.  My original=
    =E2=80=9CState Coinages=E2=80=9D (Miller/Ryder) isn=E2=80=99t for the pri=
    nted info. And it=E2=80=99s not for=20
    the pristine binding. It=E2=80=99s for the provenance (most recent owner =
    was some guy=20
    named Taylor) and notes in the margins. (I thought the coins in Taylor we=
    overpriced but I did buy a book. So I was only half wrong that day.) But =
    also own an Ovolon reprint. And I carry a photocopy of the table of=20
    punctuation and ornaments with me to shows to help narrow down the option=
    <P class=3DMsoNormal><SPAN=20
    style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt; COLOR: #1f497d"><O></O></SPAN></P>
    <P class=3DMsoNormal><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt; COLOR: #1f497d">Mayb=
     we actually are on the same page (or at least verso and recto of th=
    same leaf).<O></O></SPAN></P>
    <P class=3DMsoNormal><SPAN=20
    style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt; COLOR: #1f497d"><O></O></SPAN></P>
    <P class=3DMsoNormal><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt; COLOR: #1f497d">Dan=
    <P class=3DMsoNormal><SPAN=20
    style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt; COLOR: #1f497d"><O></O></SPAN></P>
    <DIV style=3D"BORDER-TOP: #b5c4df 1pt solid">
    <P class=3DMsoNormal><B><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 10pt">From:</SPAN></B><=
    style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 10pt"> colonial-coins@<WBR>yahoogroups.<WBR>com=20
    [mailto:colonial-<WBR>coins@yahoogroup<WBR>] <B>On Behalf Of </B>Joh=
    Lupia<BR><B>Sent:</B> Monday, June 30, 2008 3:08 PM<BR><B>To:</B>=20
    colonial-coins@<WBR>yahoogroups.<WBR>com<BR><B>Subject:</B> RE: The Durst=
    was Re: [Colonial Numismatics] FW: NE XII in=20
    <P class=3DMsoNormal><O></O></P>
    <DIV id=3Dygrp-mlmsg>
    <DIV id=3Dygrp-msg>
    <DIV id=3Dygrp-text>
    <P>Dan<BR><BR>I am very surprised you of all people missed the point. Boo=
    dealers of all sorts depend on their living selling books. Their clients =
    obviously people who read more so than the eye candy crowd that only=20
    occasionally buys a coffee-table variety book. In other words, as a candi=
    inside peek at numismatic literature sales there seems to be two types th=
    buys books, one type to read (which typically have illustrations, rarely =
    numismatic books ever come without them) these are the mainstream buyers =
    keep the dealers afloat and the other type that only want illustrations,=
    meaning they are not readers or buyers of books that keep the book dealer=
    solvent and in business. Apparently, the comment went over everyone's hea=
    like a lead (Zeppelin) balloon. <BR><BR>I apologize to David Fanning, a m=
    of our list, for failing to mention that he did not make this comment. Da=
    is a very good fellow with whom I should be doing more business, but othe=
    pressing matters detain. I am more than a year over due submitting my=20
    manuscript to a publisher in Berlin, and personal business has been a bit=
    overwhelming lately.<BR><BR>Now, Dan, you say you have a collection of ol=
    math books for the same reason as I do. Which one has the earliest drawin=
    g of=20
    a coin?<BR><BR>As for you comment about die variety descriptions so far y=
    me and Byron are all on the same page. Our complaint seems to be many are=
    written too carefully or clearly and make the photo more important than t=
    text. Photo and text should have about equal value, so that the photo wou=
    ld be=20
    nothing more than a difficult puzzle without a clearly written text and t=
    text without a proper photo illustrating the points of the text makes the=
    less understandable. This whole thread about the photos was a tangent=20
    resulting from misunderstanding what book dealers complaints are referrin=
    g to=20
    nothing more than that business could be better if coin collectors read m=
    and bought more books. It is better to hear Lead Zeppelin than to eat a l=
    zeppola.<BR><BR>Best,<BR>John<BR><BR>John N. Lupia III<BR>New Jersey, USA=
    Beirut, Lebanon <BR><A=20
    Bless Everyone<BR><BR>--- On Mon, 6/30/08, Freidus, Daniel <<A=20
    wrote:<BR><BR>> From: Freidus, Daniel <<A=20
    Subject: RE: The Durst's, was Re: [Colonial Numismatics] FW: NE XII in=20
    copper-BECKER<BR>> To: <A=20
    Date: Monday, June 30, 2008, 2:34 PM<BR>> John L (upia),<BR>> <BR>&=
    <BR>> <BR>> Not all book dealers are frustrated with collectors=20
    who<BR>> care about the illustrations. My father collected books=20
    for<BR>> decades and I met many of his dealers either at our home=20
    or,<BR>> on occasion, at a book show. When he hit the wall (good<BR>&g=
    books he wanted became either too hard to find or too<BR>> expensive),=
    sold them through Sotheby=E2=80=99s in a named<BR>> sale, so I know th=
    at the=20
    auction houses weren=E2=80=99t too<BR>> frustrated, either.<BR>> <B=
    <BR>> <BR>> There is no correct way to collect coins or books.=20
    Collect<BR>> what you enjoy and can afford. Some people only want=20
    old<BR>> books in original bindings while don=E2=80=99t care much abou=
    t<BR>> the=20
    binding. Part of my collection is late 18th-early 19th<BR>> century ma=
    books because they illustrate the changes made<BR>> in our monetary sy=
    (books into the 1830s still referred<BR>> to accounting of official st=
    currency values and how to<BR>> convert to value in federal currenc!).=
    If I=20
    cared about<BR>> condition, my collection of those early schoolbooks=20
    would<BR>> be virtually nonexistent. But I draw the line and reject<BR=
    those that have new 20th century bindings on them. <BR>> Completely=20
    arbitrary but that=E2=80=99s how I do it. <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>=
    > And most=20
    books with written die variety descriptions are<BR>> much less clear t=
    those with good photos. I prefer a mix<BR>> of both, but given my=20
    experience I=E2=80=99d choose photos over<BR>> words if I had to choos=
    e. I hope=20
    that=E2=80=99s okay.<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> Dan F.<BR>> <B=
    <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> From: <A=20
    On Behalf Of John<BR>> Lupia<BR>> Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 9:26=
    PM<BR>> To: <A=20
    Subject: Re: The Durst's, was Re: [Colonial<BR>> Numismatics] FW: NE X=
    II in=20
    copper-BECKER<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> I have been guarding a g=
    em of=20
    info many of you should<BR>> actually know and hear. For some of us it=
    very funny,<BR>> for others, I guess it is a snide blow. I have been a=
    avid<BR>> buyer of rare books for over thirty years, more like=20
    forty,<BR>> and through these years I know every major dealer=20
    around<BR>> the world. The point is that on more than one occasion<BR>=
    talking with them, especially, and I emphasize especially<BR>> numisma=
    literature dealers, they are extremely<BR>> frustrated with clients li=
    you, and I really do not mean<BR>> to pick on you John, who are what t=
    call the<BR>> "picture book people" as if you are still<BR>> childr=
    en in=20
    elementary school who rely on illustrated<BR>> editions of Bunny=20
    Sees.<BR>> <BR>> If you do not verbally know the diagnostic of a co=
    and<BR>> know how to write it, I repeat, I doubt any photo would do<BR=
    you any good. As I said from the first that photos merely<BR>> enhance=
    support the text which should always be<BR>> foremost the primary matt=
    er of=20
    book.<BR>> <BR>> John N. Lupia III<BR>> New Jersey, USA; Beirut,=
    Lebanon <BR>> <A=20
    God Bless Everyone<O></O></P></DIV>
    <P class=3DMsoNormal><SPAN=20
    style=3D"COLOR: white"></SPAN><O></O></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
    <P></P></DIV><!--End group email --></BLOCKQUOTE></BODY></HTML>

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  • 2008-06-30
  • 1

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