Died May 16 1782 Pubblico Deposited

- From taxi_steve929@yahoo.com Thu Sep 16 10:38:50 2010
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Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2010 17:37:52 +0000
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From: taxi_steve929@yahoo.com
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Subject: Died May 16 1782
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For Irish halfpence collectors. I just stopped at the Church to pick up some literature about the cemetery. Nice walking tour. Oldest stone still in good shape is 1702 but some date to late 1600's. When I have time I'll get James Parkers grave. Its modern though. His family member stones are original. For Ray, I stopped in to grab some neat grave lit and William? Peck was there meeting with some historical society members. I was invited to sit in but have to pick the kid up.
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