Hello from the end of the world. Public Deposited

- From wgleckler@sbcglobal.net Fri Nov 04 01:54:58 2011
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Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2011 04:54:56 -0400
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From: william gleckler <wgleckler@sbcglobal.net>
Subject: Hello from the end of the world.
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Hi, Just wanted to give a little update on conditions in Connecticut. I wor=
k for AT&T As a cable repair tech. 1/3 of the state is still without power.=
I am in hopes that our state of emergency will be lifted in time for C4. M=
y plans are solid. They must honor my vacation time. But I still need some =
time to get my packing done.The remaining parts of the state that now have =
power are still devstated. This has been an unprecedented event on the heel=
s of a hurricane. See you all in Boston. Now, i've got to go back to work. =
we are on a work/sleep/work/etc. cycle. Boston is in better shape than we a=
re thankfully. Bill - 2011-11-04
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