Wnuck Coin - 1771 GIII Cast (GH counterstamp) Público Deposited

- From johnmenc@optonline.net Tue Sep 11 07:14:31 2012
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From: "colonial_john_c4" <johnmenc@optonline.net>
Subject: Wnuck Coin - 1771 GIII Cast (GH counterstamp)
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When you look at the coin I doubt anyone can say this cast was made sometim=
e this year from its appearance and edge features. I may use this coin in t=
he Ryder 40 study to compare it to the 1754 GII cast which was cut up and p=
olished as a 18thC cast standard. For this coin since Wnuck does not want i=
t cut up we will look at the surface only and compare to see if there are a=
ny differences ... Surface XRF analysis yielded: Copper (79.4%), Zinc (19.5=
5%), Tin (0.75%), Iron (0.11%), Lead (0.09%), Indium (0.03%), Gallium (0.02=
%), Palladium (0.009%) and Iridium (0.00001%). I have yet to see a GII cast=
of the 18thC that did not have a good amount of lead say 0.5% or higher? T=
his work group that D.W. and F.Z. attended could have easily added lead and=
then even surface XRF would suggest its 18thC ... I remember D.W. telling =
me these were made primarily from melting Lincoln Cents and other? items wh=
ich seems to be the case with this very high zinc ... I recently dated a Li=
ncoln Cent N.D. lamination peel error to a specific striking period based =
on its copper/tin/zinc readings ... the very low lead (0.09%) and very high=
zinc (19.55%) tells me something is wrong here after examining about six o=
ther cast pieces and remembering the Mossman/Smith cast paper findings ... =
but a good forger would get the FORMULA right. All I can say Dan Freidus is=
lets see what the SEM has to say on the surface between D.W.'s 21stC cast =
and the 1754 GII cast. HMMM ... if Ryder 40 had an empirical formula of a c=
ast I guess you could throw in the towel ... I see no point in asking D.W. =
permission to cut up his souvenier ... but Dr. Anderhalt will compare the s=
urfaces and report differences in these two pieces ... after seeing this op=
eration D.W. sold all his casts in his collection ... I guess if you do not=
have a $100,000 XRF device in your back pocket things could get confusing =
... I agree ...
JPL=20 - 2012-09-11
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