WIDE(ER) LOAD AHEAD Publique Deposited


Contenu de l'article
  • Last week Ronald Thompson wrote: "Is there any way to make the new format wider? I usually don't get a chance to read the E-Sylum at my computer so I print out a copy and read it later. The narrow columns create lots of blank space. This week's edition is 38 pages!"

    I think it was the comedian Steven Wright who said, "Some people are afraid of heights. Not me. I'm afraid of widths."
    Increasing the width was the most-requested change, and the folks at Grove Marketing have come through with a revised template that does just that - makes full use of the former blank space under the right-hand column. Today's issue uses the new format, and it seems to help a great deal. Others of you have cautioned against making the issue TOO wide, so we're sticking with the overall width of 600 bits, which is industry standard for HTML emails.

    If that's still not enough for you, Bruce Perdue offers this suggestion: "Try copying the email version by holding the left mouse button and dragging the mouse over the text to be copied and then selecting 'copy' from the right mouse button menu.... I pasted the results into 'Notepad' and made sure that word wrap was on...for last week's issue this yielded 15 pages as opposed to nearly 40 otherwise...."

    Also in this issue, Dick Johnson became a pioneer by providing the first illustration for an E-Sylum numismatic book ad, and regular advertiser David Fanning followed suit. For a limited time illustrations in E-Sylum ads are free.

    Thanks also to Heritage for their cataloguer position ads. Step up, E-Sylum readers - I know some of you have what it takes to leverage your numismatic libraries and research skills. Don't just collect catalogs - write some!

URL source Date publiée
  • 2008-06-01
  • 11

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Auteur NNP