NNP Blog


J. N. T. Levick's Large Cent "Rubbings"

Jim Neiswinter, large cent researcher, asked if the Newman Portal could scan the Levick Book of Rubbings in the ANS Rare Book Room. This is a fascinating document, a handwritten manuscript originating from the dawn of U.S. large cent die variety research. Levick’s investigation of the 1793 large cent varieties is of course most well-known from the Levick plate of 1793 large cent varieties in volume 3 (1868-1869) of the American Journal of Numismatics. Lesser known is this volume of pencil rubbings extensively annotated by Levick and presenting his analysis of the die pairings for this date. While the Newman Portal is currently focused on American auction catalogs and archival material at the ANS, we will accept requests such as these and fit them in the scanning queue where possible.Link to Levick’s Books of Rubbings: https://archive.org/details/jntlevicksbookof00leviLink to Levick’s large cent plate in the American Journal of Numismatics: https://archive.org/stream/AJN1866Vols01to05#page/n223/mode/2up