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Search of the Week: "Terlecki" and Gold Saved From the Nazis

A Newman Portal user searched this week for “Terlecki.”  No matter how smart you think you are, looking at a few recent searches will never fail to humble you – it’s all numismatic, and it’s all words and terms and stories you have never heard of before. A search on Terlecki reveals, from The Shekel (1968, no. 4), that Terlecki catalogued the siege coins of the Lodz ghetto during WWII. From Frank and Laurese Katen’s numismatic literature auction catalog of August 1970 (lot 2064), we learn that Terlecki in 1965 wrote a general guide on Polish coins, Illustrowany Katalog Monet Polskich, covering the period 1916-1965. Remy Bourne’s literature sale of September 1995 gives the full name, Wladyslaw Terlecki, and at this point we move over to Wikipedia, where a short biography of Terlecki (1904-1967) can be found. Per Wiki, Terlecki pulled gold and platinum bars from the Polish State Mint and buried the material to save it from Nazi confiscation. Wiki should not be relied on as a final authority, but it does cite an original document which likely contains further information of interest to a researcher of Polish numismatics.Link to The Shekel (vol. 1, no, 4, 1968) on Newman Portal: https://nnp.wustl.edu/library/book/515001?page=26Link to Katen’s August 1970 auction sale catalog: https://nnp.wustl.edu/library/auctionlots?AucCoId=511068&AuctionId=517336&page=71Link to Remy Bourne’s September 1995 auction sale catalog: https://nnp.wustl.edu/library/auctionlots?AucCoId=510371&AuctionId=513009&page=39Link to (translated) Wikipedia entry on Terlecki: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=pl&u=https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/W%25C5%2582adys%25C5%2582aw_Terlecki_(in%25C5%25BCynier)&prev=search