Newman Portal Adds Chicago Coin Club Chatter
One of the longest running club publications in American numismatics, the Chicago Coin Club (CCC) Chatter, has been digitized and added to the Newman Numismatic Portal. The Chicago Coin Club was the first member club of the ANA, designated “branch number 1” in 1912. The CCC Chatter contains many feature articles in addition to the usual club news and notices. The March 1940 issue, for example, includes “Chinese Women in Numismatics” in addition to “The Twenty Cent Piece of the United States.” Current issues feature well-written summaries of presentations made at the monthly club meetings, covering a wide cross-section of numismatic interest. The earliest issues exhibit a professional look and feel similar to Lee Hewitt’s Numismatic Scrapbook and may well have been produced by Hewitt Bros., a Chicago publishing concern. The Chatter today is capably edited by Paul Hybert, who also acts as club webmaster. Newman Portal acknowledges Bill Burd of the Chicago Coin Club for his assistance with this project.Link to Chicago Coin Club Chatter on Newman Portal: