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Original Hobo Nickel Society Publications on Newman Portal

A selection of publications from the Original Hobo Nickel Society are now available on Newman Portal, including issues of their newsletter (Bo Tales) and early auction catalogs of this specialty organization.  The Original Hobo Nickel Society was founded in 1992 and encourages the research, collecting, and creation of “hobo nickels,” which are post-Mint carved Buffalo nickels. Newman Portal acknowledges Ralph Winter, Bo Tales editor, for his assistance with this title.Link to Original Hobo Nickel Society home page: http://www.hobonickels.org/Link to Bo Tales on Newman Portal: https://nnp.wustl.edu/library/publisherdetail/546873Link to Original Hobo Nickel Society auction sale catalogs on NNP: https://nnp.wustl.edu/library/auctioncompanydetail/514437