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Newman Portal Adds Jim Koenings’ Reeded Edge Half Newsletter

Jim Koenings’ continues to archive the Reeded Edge (1836-1839) half dollar issues, publishing installments on a monthly basis, each of which is dedicated to a single die marriage within the series. The latest issue, #42, covers the 1839 GR-8 variety, referencing the die marriages as published by Dick Graham in A Registry of Die Varieties of Reeded Edge Half Dollars (2012). In total, Graham identified a total of 55 marriages in this short-lived series. Koenings’ work serves as a useful companion to the Graham reference, adding data on market appearances, rarity, and censes of individual marriages. The Koenings’ work is issued electronically, which more easily supports the expanded content that might not be included in typical die marriage references.Link to Koenings’ Reeded Edge Half Newsletter on Newman Portal: https://nnp.wustl.edu/library/publisherdetail/540192