NNP Blog


U.S. Mint Fixed Price Lists on Newman Portal

The U.S. Mint has been issuing fixed price lists since at least 1859, when a set of proof “master-coins” (face value $41.50) was offered at $43.00. As current U.S. Mint customers are well aware, a single order from the present-day Mint will result not only in coins, but also a long string of print solicitations offering yet more product. The coins are nearly all saved; the print pieces not so much. At Newman Portal we’ve been accumulating a “virtual” collection of U.S. Mint fixed price lists, and currently have 24 examples in our collection, dating from 1859 to 2017. We are sure many more exist and would welcome any such accumulations for scanning purposes.Link to U.S. Mint fixed price lists on Newman Portal: https://nnp.wustl.edu/library/publisherdetail/512757