Early Paper Money of America (1775 August 18)

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Last Updated: 2022-05-19

Early Paper Money of America (NNP Edition)|£100,000 in “Sword in Hand” legal tender Bills engraved and printed by Paul Revere from two face plates and two back plates pursuant to the Resolve of July 6, 1775 and the Act of Aug. 23, 1775. The face has a small oval vignette of a ship or a ship at a wharf house, except the 1s, which has a pine tree in the oval. The back shows an American Revolutionary holding a sword in one hand and the MAGNA CHARTA in the other, surrounded by ISSUED IN DEFENCE OF AMERICAN LIBERTY and ENSE PETIT PLACIDAM, SUB LIBERTATE, QUIETEM (By arms he seeks peace with freedom). The issue was to be redeemed in the amount of £40,000 by Aug. 18, 1778, £30,000 by Aug. 18, 1779, and £30,000 by Aug. 18, 1780, but plates for many denominations had an erroneous due date of Aug. 18, 1777. Bills already printed from mistakenly made plates were corrected in ink by a handwritten date over the erroneous date. Some plates were corrected before printing or before further printing by being re-engraved with a due date of 1778, 1779 or 1780. The July 6, 1775 Resolve included 13s, 19s, 60s, 80s, and 100s denominations, which the Aug. 23, 1775 Act, eliminated. Signers were Joseph Cushing, Daniel Hopkins, J. Palmer, Thomas Plympton, James Prescott, Ebenezer Sayer, and Joseph Wheeler. Red, blue and black ink was ordered to be used successively by each signer, but this was not always complied with.

1s Three due dates [10,000] Pine tree vignette
2s Three due dates [10,000]
2s6d Three due dates [10,000]
4s Three due dates [10,000]
5s Three due dates [10,000]
6s Three due dates [10,000]
7s6d Three due dates [10,000]
8s Three due dates [10,000]
10s Three due dates [10,000]
11s Three due dates [10,000]
12s Three due dates [10,000]
17s Three due dates [10,000]
20s Three due dates [10,000]
24s Three due dates [10,000]
30s Three due dates [10,000] ▷CF◁
40s Three due dates [10,000] recived